Funding Student-led Sustainability Fuels a Greener Future at 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ

By Emily Glory Peters

Members of 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ Scrapps, a sustainable effort at 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ
51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ Scrapps, a sustainability-centered program, with Cecelia Blum ’24 (front center) and Sustainability Coordinator Lauren Ng (far right)

Sustainable practices at 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ, says Cecelia Blum ’24, aren’t always visible to the naked eye. Even so, she asserts that involving students in initiatives is critical in helping the College on its sustainability journey.

β€œI’ve only recently realized how little I see of what goes on behind the scenes on campus: changes that aren’t glamorous, but make a bigger difference,” says Blum, who belongs to both the Student Sustainability Committee and the College’s main Sustainability Committee. β€œBut there is also stuff that students are more likely to seeβ€”like leaky sprinklers, lawns being waterered the day after it’s rainedβ€”that needs to be addressed.”

Originally envisioned as a presidential advisory council back in 2008, today the College’s core Sustainability Committee unites 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ staff, faculty, and students to promote green initiatives across campus.

Attracted to sustainability efforts since high school, Blum says she joined to boost transparency between College administration and students on environmentally friendly practices. Much of this work is powered by 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ’ donors, whose gifts to sustainability have helped pave the way for both admin- and student-led projects.

With Support from Donors, Students Step Up to the Sustainability Plate
Cecelia Blum '24 at 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ
Cecelia Blum ’24 joined both the student and the campus-wide sustainability committees last year

Last year, Blum was instrumental in working with the Office of Sustainability to revive the 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ Scrapps program, which allows returning students to shop from items that outgoing graduates leave behind. This year, she’s expanding into new areas.

β€œI’m involved in the 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ Free Closet, which will take used clothing and make it available for students. I’m also researching what we can do on a student and institutional level to be more water-conscious and capture rainwater as the drought and flood periods become worse here in Southern California,” Blum explains.

Although a typical peer might not know about all of the sustainability projects underway on campus, Blum represents a growing student force effecting positive environmental change at 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ.

In 2011, students and staff founded program to offer bike rentals and repairs; in 2012, a prior student-designed proposal brought 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ’ inaugural Olive Harvest to life; in 2014, students successfully advocated for new housing in Schow Hall to meet LEED Gold standards; in 2018, 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ Associated Students worked with staff to introduce the 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ Scrapps program; and in 2021, student advocacy helped the College contract with a new, more sustainable dining partner.

Not to be outdone, the current Student Sustainability Committee is developing a partnership with to supply 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ’ housing with zero-waste laundry detergent. Blum’s hope is that other students will take note and become curious about how they can get involved.

β€œSustainability plays into many social justice causes,” she says. β€œIf I could share anything with my peers, it would be to encourage them to look at where sustainability can coincide with their other interests.”

Setting Up 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ and Students for Long-term Environmental Impact

Thanks in part to 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ’ donors, the College has recently increased the number of sustainability-related internships and on-campus jobs. In turn, more students like Blum have developed career competencies they can apply in their post-51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ lives.

β€œWhen you , you’re supporting so many rich endeavors for students to share their contributions and leave a lasting legacy,” says 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ Director of Facilities Operations and Sustainability Lesley Swick. β€œThere’s a lot of volunteer work, but we want full transparency and to set a tone of paying students for their workβ€”an expectation that should continue into their post-college professional lives. Donors help fund that expansion.”

For Blum, this support also means creating more ways for the institution and its community to collaborate on green efforts. After all, if students, staff, faculty, and donors can help 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ become more sustainable, what could the community achieve on a societal level?

β€œIt can be easy to forget about the actual world in an idyllic place like 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪβ€”but sustainability is caring about how your actions impact others, being a good steward of the environment for others,” Blum says. β€œInvesting in sustainable behavior while we’re here models that we care not just about this beautiful campus on its own, but the larger world as well.”

Help fuel a greener future at 51ΑΤΖζΘλΏΪ and beyondβ€”make a gift to the Innovation and Sustainability Fund .
