

Laspa Center for Leadership (page 2)

June 7, 2021

Passion Projects: 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú Students Earn Grants to Support Summer Projects

Each year, the Laspa Center for Leadership sponsors student projects with the We Act Grant program. The program supports self-designed projects that transform knowledge, passion, and ideas into action, demonstrate creative and effective problem-solving, establish community partnerships, and produce a positive impact.

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May 17, 2021

Keeping it Classic: Classics Majors Gain Modern Knowledge through Study of Ancient Texts

Heroes, monsters, and goddesses are the order of the day for seniors Ruby Laufer ’21 and Alyssa Rowshan ’21. For these two majors in classics/ancient studies and late antique-medieval studies, classical literature is more than a trove for understanding the cultures of antiquity or an escapist pleasure.

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January 27, 2021

Spring 2021 Welcome from Dean Johnson

I take heart in being part of a community that has shown so much resilience, strength, and faith in a better tomorrow, and I am grateful for the grace and flexibility you continue to afford 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú staff and faculty. I know I speak for my colleagues across the College when I say we appreciate your understanding and patience during what has been a difficult time for us all.

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January 7, 2021

Response to the Events of January 6

Yesterday, we witnessed an unprecedented attack on our democratic institutions, an assault on our constitutional process, and the stark discrepancy between law enforcement’s response to the insurrection and violence at the Capitol and their response to this summer’s peaceful protests against systemic racism and inequity. As scholars and citizens, we must uphold the conditions in which democracy thrives, including the robust inquiry that comes with being members of a liberal arts community.

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October 5, 2020

51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú Planning Update

As we near the midpoint of the fall semester, I am pleased to hear positive reports about the active learning and engagement underway in virtual classrooms and in student and community programs. I continue to be impressed and proud of the many ways faculty, students, and staff are strengthening relationships, acquiring new knowledge, and building community online.

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September 24, 2020

Laspa Center to Host Workshop on Creative Approaches to Remote Team Building

On October 1, the Laspa Center for Leadership will host a new, interactive Zoom workshop on creative approaches to building student teams while leading remotely. The workshop will be led by Hilary Grosskopf, who has conducted previous leadership development trainings for Laspa, and will focus on team building strategies that explore methods beyond coming together via computer screens.

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August 25, 2020

Welcome to the Fall 2020 Semester

This fall marks the beginning of an academic year like no other in the College’s history. As we carve out new modes of teaching, learning, playing, and creating community, I hope we will be flexible and compassionate with one another as we face and overcome challenges and changes endemic to this time.

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August 24, 2020

Laspa Center for Leadership: Read to Lead

The Laspa Center for Leadership has selected More than Enough by Elaine Welteroth for its fall 2020 Read to Lead program.

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August 18, 2020

Lillian Hahn ’21 Feeds Health Care Workers’ Bodies and Spirits

Amid the confusion and misinformation that defines so much of the public’s understanding of COVID-19, one thing that there seems to be unilateral agreement upon is the adverse mental health effects of the pandemic on frontline health care workers. Lillian Hahn ’21, a science management major on the public health track, identified a cohort among health care workers who may be even harder hit: those who work the night shift.

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August 13, 2020

Agile Leadership for a Digital Age: Student Leadership Institute Embraces New Technology

The Student Leadership Institute (SLI) of 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú’ Laspa Center for Leadership, held each August, is the starting point for the center’s annual programming, a time when student leaders come together as a community and plan for the year ahead. But during a pandemic that has rendered the patterns and practices of daily life unrecognizable, there is also the unanimous understanding across industries and organizations that leaders must now rethink how we convene, interact, and act.

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