

Tuesday Noon Academy Presents “Marble Statues and Earthquakes”

McKenzie Lowry, mount maker in the department of antiquities at the J. Paul Getty Museum will speak on “How to Keep Massive Marble Statues Standing in an Earthquake, presented by the Malott Commons Tuesday Noon Academy, on March 8. The lecture is free and open to the public.

Lowry designs and produces highly technological mounts for valuable and fragile sculptures in the Getty Villa. Lowry has been a mount maker with the department of antiquities since 2001. He also teaches mount making techniques and principles at the UCLA graduate program in archeological and conservation studies on the Villa campus, and acts as an adviser to local museums regarding seismic mitigation techniques.

The Tuesday Noon Academy is a weekly, one-hour series of lectures held in the Hampton Room of the Malott Commons. The doors will open at 11:45 a.m. Bring your own lunch or purchase lunch at the Malott Commons Dining Hall. Dessert and coffee are provided.

For more information, contact the Malott Commons Office at (909) 607-9372.


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