
Faculty (page 28)

September 17, 2015

Spotlight on Faculty: Kevin Williamson, Assistant Professor of Dance

Kevin Williamson, assistant professor of dance and Los Angeles–based movement artist, joins the College this fall. His choreography, touted by one reviewer as being “crafty and taut” and “moody and intense,” is centered on using the body to explore ideas about our evolving identities. The Office of Marketing and Communication caught up with Professor Williamson as he was settling in after the rush of back-to-school activities.

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June 1, 2015

Nancy Macko and the Real Bee

Professor of Art Nancy Macko has spent the last two decades delving into gender symbolism offered by honeybees’ female-governed and highly successful social structures. Her current work focuses on the political and ecological realities of bee survival and was recently covered by KCET Artbound.

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May 1, 2015

KPCC, Southern California Public Radio, Interviews 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú Professor Ken Gonzales-Day

KPCC 89.3 FM’s culture show, The Frame, features Professor of Art Ken Gonzales-Day as he discusses his newest art show exploring a dark chapter of California’s early history: the lynchings of hundreds of Mexican and Chinese immigrants.

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April 15, 2015

Los Angeles Times Art Critic Favorably Reviews 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú Professor Ken Gonzales-Day’s Newest Show

The Los Angeles Times reviews Professor of Art Ken Gonzales-Day’s newest art show, “Run Up,” which also includes a short film depicting the last known lynching of a Mexican immigrant in California.

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April 10, 2015

Undersea Discoveries: Coral Colonies Offer Clues on Ocean Conditions

While on the vessel Bell Shimada, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science Branwen Williams and Devyn Parks ’15 survey the choppy ocean waters as they embark on an ambitious study of deep-sea corals off the Channel Islands.

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Students Select Professor Mary Hatcher-Skeers as “Professor of the Year”

While escorted to her ‘throne’ on The Motley stage, a student presented Mary Hatcher-Skeers with a bright yellow “Professor of the Year” sash as an appreciative crowd cheered her on.
One by one, students approached a nearby microphone to express their gratitude for her commitment and encouraging words.

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51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú Professor Discusses Cancer Research on Statewide Public Affairs Program

Journalist Brad Pomerance, host of the statewide public affairs show “California Edition,” interviews Associate Professor of Biology Jennifer Armstrong to learn more about her cancer research.

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April 1, 2015

Los Angeles Times Spotlights Scientific Research of Keck Science Professor Branwen Williams

The Los Angeles Times profiles the research of Assistant Professor of Environmental Science Branwen Williams, who is studying the history and growth of the coral population in the waters off the Channel Islands.

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March 25, 2015

51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú Professor Quoted in Huffington Post Blog Exploring Merits of Interdisciplinary Education

51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú Professor of Psychology Alan Hartley is quoted in a Huffington Post blog that praises the merits and intricacies of an interdisciplinary education.

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March 6, 2015

51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú Professor Reflects on Recent Visit to Ferguson in Huffington Post Blog

Professor of Art Ken Gonzales-Day considers the unfolding events in Ferguson, Missouri in a blog for the Huffington Post.

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