
2018 Fall Ignorance in the Age of Information

August 27, 2018

Tuesday Noon- C. Thi Nguyen

AM I IN AN ECHO CHAMBER? Echo chambers are structures which manipulate the trust of their members. An echo chamber member is taught to systematically distrust outsiders. In this way, […]

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Public Event – Charles Mills

This event has been canceled.  Learning to Not-Know: Race and the Epistemology of Ignorance The educational ideal involves both learning facts about the world and developing our cognitive skills so as […]

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Public Event: Zeynep Tufekci

Zeynep Tufekci, a techno-sociologist and assistant professor in the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina and faculty associate at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for […]

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ZigZag: Manoush Zomorodi in Conversation

When it comes to the social implications of technology, Manoush Zomorodi is obsessed. Zomorodi is the co-founder of Stable Genius Productions, a media company with a mission to help people […]

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Public Lecture: Latif Nasser

The history of science is stranger than fiction—Latif Nasser, director of research at Radiolab, should know. His research on such wide-ranging topics as culture-bound illnesses, snowflake photography, and 16th-century automata has […]

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