
Public Talk – Michael Deutsch

Representing and Defending Political Activists in U.S. Courts in the Age of Terrorism

Mr. Deutsch will discuss the emergence of Federal and State “terrorism” laws, including sentencing enhancements, special court secrecy and security procedures and the use of Grand Jury inquisitions which target and criminalize political activists involved in international solidarity work and domestic protests and demonstrations.

Michael Deutsch is a renowned human rights attorney with the Chicago “People’s 聽Law Office,” and a past Legal Director of the New York based “Center for Constitutional Rights.” Mr. Deutsch a public interest lawyer of the year has served on the legal teams of the rebelling Attica prisoners and Puerto Rican independence activists, has challenged the use of special high security prison control units, and has successfully defended Black prisoners facing the death penalty. Most recently Mr. Deutsch has represented Palestinian activists in the United States and “Occupy” demonstrators falsely accused under Federal and State terrorism statutes.




