
2012 Fall Social Media/Social Change: Negotiating Access, Control, and Unrest in the Information Age

November 27, 2012

Christine Greenhow

Digital literacy and digital citizenship, including knowing how to effectively use social media, are fast becoming required skills as college admissions officers and employers increasingly want candidates with social media […]

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November 13, 2012

Lee Aase

The social media revolution is the defining communications trend of the third millennium. From blogs to Facebook to Twitter to YouTube, the power of worldwide broadcasting and publishing is now […]

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October 30, 2012

Katherine Harris

In “The Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House,” published in 1984, Audre Lorde identified a schism in feminism that completely changed the movement to include missing voices, those […]

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October 16, 2012

Antero Garcia

The ubiquity of mobile media devices have shifted the structures of how we work and communicate in nearly every avenue of society except for schools. Despite the fact that nearly […]

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October 9, 2012

Moya Bailey

By refashioning existing social media platforms like Youtube, Twitter, and Tumblr, gender marginalized folks of color are creating the changes that they want to see in the world. Innovative web […]

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October 3, 2012

M. Sam Cronk

M. Sam Cronk is currently the Digital Curator at the Ella Strong Denison Library at 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú. Prior to this, he was the University of Michigan’s team manager for CHICO, […]

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September 25, 2012

Alexandra Juhasz

Feminists have fought for visibility, safety, and equality, a set of demands that are both somehow too present and yet also unimaginable on the Internet. In her talk, Alexandra Juhasz […]

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September 18, 2012

Linda Herrera

The battles for a democratic Egypt are being waged on many fronts, including on social media. This talk questions if youth in Egypt and the wider Middle East region, armed […]

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September 12, 2012

Eden Medina

When we think of the use of computers for political change, our thoughts quickly turn to Twitter and moments such as the Arab Spring.   However, the idea of using […]

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August 31, 2011

Vicki Ruiz

Vicki L. Ruiz’s monograph From Out of the Shadows: Mexican Women in 20th Century America was named a Choice Outstanding Academic Book of 1998. The tenth anniversary edition of Shadows […]

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