
Dr. Jing Lin

Dr. Jing Lin is the author of Love, Peace, and Wisdom in Education: Vision for Education in the 21st Century (2006). She co-edited two books on peace education, Transforming Education for Peace (2008) and Religion, Spirituality and Peace Education (2010), and a third on environmental education, Transformative Eco-Education for Human and Planetary Survival (forthcoming). Jing Lin founded and chaired the Peace Education Special Interest Group for the Comparative and International Education Society. Dr. Lin has taught courses on Education for Global Peace, World Religions and Their Implications on Education, and Ecological Ethics and Education.

Furthermore, Dr. Lin has done extensive research on Chinese education, culture and society. In particular, she has systematically studied social changes in China and educational reforms undergoing in that country since 1978. On this topic, she has authored four books, including Social Transformation and Private Education in China (1999) and The Opening of the Chinese Mind (1994). Her research focuses on issues of gender, ethnicity, social class and equality of educational opportunity. Her most recent research is on public intellectuals, dimensions of world class universities, China’s higher education expansion, civil society and global cultural dialogues. A book she co-edits on Portraits of Chinese Universities in the 21st Century is forthcoming.
