
Hank Greely

Hank Greely is the Deane F. and Kate Edelman Johnson Professor of Law and Professor (by courtesy) of Genetics at Stanford University. He specializes in legal and social issues arising from advances in the biosciences and in health law and policy. He chairs the California Advisory Committee on Human Stem Cell Research and the steering committee of the Stanford University Center for Biomedical Ethics. He also directs the Stanford Center for Law and the Biosciences and the Stanford Program on Neuroethics. He is one of the founders, and executive committee members, of the Neuroethics Society and is a co-director of the Program on Law and Neuroscience, sponsored by the MacArthur Foundation. And he is a fellow of the American Association for Advancement of Science.

Professor Greely graduated from Stanford in 1974 and from Yale Law School in 1977. He served as a law clerk for Judge John Minor Wisdom on the United States Court of Appeals and for Justice Potter Stewart of the United States Supreme Court. After working during the Carter Administration in the Departments of Defense and Energy, he entered private practice in Los Angeles in 1981 as a litigator with the law firm of Tuttle & Taylor, Inc. He began teaching at Stanford in 1985. Professor Greely is married to Laura Butcher, a physician specializing in pulmonary medicine; they have two children, John, born in 1988, and Eleanor, born in 1991.
