
Katarzyna Marciniak

Katarzyna Marciniak is Associate Professor of Transnational Studies in the English Department at Ohio University. She is the author of Alienhood: Citizenship, Exile, and the Logic of Difference (University of Minnesota Press, 2006), and co-editor, with Anik脙鲁 Imre and 脙聛ine O’Healy, of Transnational Feminism in Film and Media (Palgrave, 2007). Her work on immigration, media globalization, postsocialist cultures, and transnational cinema and literature appeared in Camera Obscura, Cinema Journal, differences, Feminist Media Studies, Social Identities, Women’s Review of Books, and East European Cinemas (Routledge, 2005). She is also a guest co-editor (with Imre and O’Healy) of Feminist Media Studies special issue, “Transcultural Mediations and Transnational Politics of Difference” (in progress). She is currently writing a book on “Immigrant Rage,” combining feminist theory, migration studies, and global visual cultures. In tandem with a photographer, Kamil Turowski, she has also been working on a photo art-document, “Streets of Crocodiles: Post-Socialist Globalization,” about the uncannily hybridized landscapes of contemporary Eastern Europe and their startling contrasts.
