
“Our Brand is Crisis”

Our Brand is Crisis looks at what happens when an American political consulting group that includes James Carville works to guide candidate Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada (known as Goni) to the presidency of Bolivia, a country plagued by a dire economic situation, political corruption and social disturbances. Goni’s campaign is in crisis. Rachel Boynton is on the front lines from the beginning, starting in the offices in Washington DC. She follows the election with amazing access, capturing the behind-the-scenes workings of the campaign, from focus groups giving their opinions to the filming of last minute commercials. Tensions rise as the difficulty of trying to run a campaign based on voter rationality in a country where, it seems to the consultants, people respond more emotionally becomes clear. And even the best political consultants cannot always solve the problems raised by citizens with a different concept of democracy and the will to take politics into their own hands.
