
Ancient Religion?

Alongside assertions of their relevance to contemporary issues, religions frequently appeal to their ancient roots and traditions as a guarantee of their truth or values. What is the significance of the ancient or archaic to religious experience? Is there a relation between historical longevity and the truth of religious beliefs, traditions or institutions? Which traditions do survive over time, and why? Is there a connection between the archaic or primordial element of religious practice and human spiritual or psychological experience? Is there an irrevocable conflict between the ancient foundations of religions and what we generally think of as “modern” values in areas like women’s rights, sexuality or morality? A panel of scholars, whose work researches three world religions, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam, will discuss these and other issues.

David Kalupahana, University of Hawaii
Zayn Kassam, Pomona College
Karen Torjesen, Claremont Graduate University
