
1999 Spring Twins, Doubles, Simulacra

January 30, 2014


A dance performance choreographed by Suchi Branfman and performed by a dozen non-identical dancers dancing about our genes, our environments, our identity. Many thanks to the dedicated dancers, Ronnie Brosterman, […]

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Matt McGue

Matt McGue, a behavioral and quantitative geneticist, is one of the founding scientists on the famous Minnesota Twin Family Study. He directs the Minnesota Twin Study of Adult Development and […]

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Lucette Lagnado

Lucette Lagnado is a reporter for the Wall Street Journal and has previously written for The Forward and The Village Voice. She is the author of Children of the Flames: […]

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Nancy Segal

Nancy Segal is a social psychologist at California State University, Fullerton, and a specialist in the behavior of twins. She uses twin methodology to study social-interaction outcomes and processes in […]

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Lori Andrews

Lori Andrews, Genetic Ethicist at Chicago-Kent College of Law and Senior Scholar at the Center for Clinical Medical Ethics at the University of Chicago, was named one of the 100 […]

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Susan K. Gillman

Susan K. Gillman is a senior literary scholar at the University of California, Santa Cruz whose research for her book on Mark Twain entitled Dark Twins has led her now […]

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Hillel Schwartz

An expert on representation, Hillel Schwartz is the author of The Culture of the Copy: Striking Likenesses, Unreasonable Facsimiles.

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