
1995 Spring Scholarship and Activism

“Learning Grasssroots Organizing”

Saturday workshop issues to include: Reader’s Theater: “A Matter of Vocabulary”; “Immigration and Social Policy”; “Culture and Organizing”; and “Women and Leadership.” Saturday’s activities will also include ‘roleplay’ workshops on […]

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Stuart Pimsler Dance and Theater Performance

The nationally-recognized Stuart Pimsler Dance & Theater will perform excerpts from their current repertory. Since 1978 they have toured nationally and internationally, offering a comic and compassionate look at the […]

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Rhodessa Jones

Rhodessa Jones is a performance artist, dancer, actress, writer, teacher and co-founder and co-artistic director of Cultural Odyssey, a multidisciplinary theater center for African-American arts and culture. Additional funding provided […]

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Randall Robinson

Randall Robinson is Executive Director of TransAfrica, a foreign-policy education advocacy organization, which was in the forefront of the anti-apartheid movement. Recently he led in the attempt to restore Haiti […]

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