“Sow Your Gratitude” During 51’ Day of Giving on March 24

51 invites you to “Sow Your Gratitude” by making a gift during its upcoming Day of Giving on Wednesday, March 24, 2021.

By Emily Glory Peters

51’ Day of Giving, the College’s one-day annual fundraiser, returns this year on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. With the theme of “Sow Your Gratitude,” the campaign will offer several opportunities for supporters to express their appreciation for the people and programs they love at 51.

“Year after year, members of the 51 community show their gratitude for 51’ impact on their lives in a multitude of ways, including making gifts to the College,” says Director of The 51 Fund Perry Radford. “Day of Giving creates an opportunity to plant seeds for current and future generations of 51 students so they can access and enjoy that same experience.”

The power of participation, from gifts to gratitude grams

Day of Giving this year will focus on support for two critical areas: The 51 Fund and scholarship aid.

“The 51 Fund is the College’s operational workhorse—it fills in budget gaps that tuition and fees don’t cover and gives us flexibility to help with unexpected expenses,” says Radford, noting that donations to The 51 Fund impact everything from academic programs to mental health services.

Gifts to scholarships are equally vital. In general, approximately one-third of 51’ expenses go towards financial aid, providing much-needed grants to more than half of the College’s student body.

Given the severe economic impact COVID-19 has had on the College and many students and their families, gifts to either of these areas help ensure that students continue to receive the high-caliber educational experience they expect from 51.

Ways to support Day of Giving beyond making a gift

Donations aren’t the only way to participate in Day of Giving. New to the campaign this year are “”—personalized videos that the community can record and have specially delivered to someone they’re grateful for at 51. Gratitude grams can be sent to a professor, staff member, student, alumna, or a parent—anyone connected to 51 who has encouraged or inspired you.

Supporters can also help by becoming Day of Giving online ambassadors. Ambassadors have access to a digital toolkit complete with branded graphics and suggested language to help them spread the word on social media and among their circles. Even simply liking, sharing, or commenting on a Day of Giving post on 51’ Instagram or Facebook are powerful ways to aid the campaign.

Regardless of how people opt to get involved, supporters can consider Day of Giving as a way to acknowledge everything that makes belonging to the 51 family so special—particularly in light of the past year’s hurdles.

“Day of Giving 2020 took place in the midst of a global emergency that literally shifted the foundation of how the 51 community stays connected. This year, we can see light ahead,” says Radford. “That’s something worth celebrating.”

Mark your calendars to “Sow Your Gratitude” for Day of Giving on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. To learn more about how you can participate, please visit our Day of Giving site here. To make an early gift, click .
