Pete Chandrangsu – Biology

Professor Chandrangsu published the following:

  • Do H, Makthal N, Chandrangsu P, Olsen RJ, Helmann J, Musser JM, Kumaraswami M. β€œMetal sensing and regulation of adaptive responses to manganese limitation by MtsR is critical for group A streptococcus virulence.” Nucleic Acids Res. 2019 Aug 22; 47(14):7476-7493;
  • *Chandrangsu P, Huang X, Gaballa A, Helmann JD. β€œBacillus subtilis FolE is sustained by the ZagA zinc metallochaperone and the alarmone ZTP under conditions of zinc deficiency.” Mol Microbiol. 2019 May 27.

*This was a featured article in the journal, Molecular Microbiology. A commentary highlighting the article was written and the reference is included below:

Nies DH. β€œThe ancient alarmone ZTP and zinc homeostasis in Bacillus subtilis” Mol Microbiol. 2019 June 20.

He gave the following conference presentation:

Chandrangsu P, Huang X, Gaballa A, Helmann JD. β€œBacillus subtilis FolE is sustained by the ZagA zinc metallochaperone and the alarmone ZTP under conditions of zinc deficiency.” at the Molecular Genetics of Phages and Bacteria Meeting in Madison, WI. Aug. 5-9, 2019.
