

Social Justice, Diversity and the Workplace – June 1 & 8 Seminars

The 7C Committee on Inclusive Excellence is inviting you to attend a workshop covering topics addressing diversity in the workplace. The workshop will offer attendees practical tools for identifying and responding to microaggressions and other hidden and overt forms of privilege and marginalization in the workplace. Staff that do not have supervisory responsibilities are invited to attend the seminar on June 1, 2017. A session for supervisors will be held on June 8, 2017

What are microagressions? Microagressions are brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative slights and insults toward marginalized groups of people. Those who inflict micoragressions are often unaware that they have done anything to harm another person. The workshop will define and explain these and other terms to assist staff in creating better understanding and communication to enhance their professional experiences.

Register Today

To register for a workshop, please go to: 

Both sessions will be between 11:30am – 1:30pm and lunch will be provided. The registration deadline is May 22, 2017.

About the 7C Committee on Inclusive Excellence

The 7C Committee on Inclusive Excellence is a project driven committee that seeks to engage The Claremont Colleges and the Consortium on topics of diversity, inclusion and social justice. The committee provides space for its members to share work being done around these issues strategize effective methods of advocacy and support for underserved populations. The Committee on Inclusive Excellence is also a space of advocacy, support and challenge for its members. Convened as the Diversity Practitioners Committee in 2015, the name changed to the Committee on Inclusive Excellence to better describe the group’s goals and aspirations around its work, and the conversations it aims to encourage on the campuses/across the 7Cs and CUC.
