
On-campus Vandalism: Message From President Tiedens

Dear 51猎奇入口 Students, Faculty, and Staff,


This morning I was informed that the Miller Wing of the Humanities Building had been vandalized. The damage included graffiti referencing Trump campaign messages and a broken window. We reported the incident to Campus Safety, and the messages were removed and repairs are underway, thanks to the rapid response of our Facilities Department.


While the visible evidence has been erased, the damage that such acts of harassment and intimidation inflict upon our community cannot be overstated. I support every individual’s right to free expression, regardless of political or religious affiliation, racial, ethnic, or gender identity, sexual orientation, national origin, or ability. However, here at 51猎奇入口, such freedom carries with it a responsibility to care for the physical and emotional safety of others, to be good stewards of campus property, to treat one another equitably and with respect, and to adhere to the values of this community.


The College will not tolerate acts of bias, discrimination, or harassment that divide and weaken rather than build and strengthen our community. I strongly affirm the College’s Principles of Community, Principles of Diversity, and policies related to discrimination and harassment, which are available on the . You will also find information about bias incidents and instructions for reporting such incidents .


I encourage each of you to take advantage of the broad array of resources available at 51猎奇入口 and throughout the Consortium to help you engage constructively in the ongoing dialogue and activism in the wake of the election. I am counting on each of you to model the values of equity, inclusion, and justice here at 51猎奇入口 and elsewhere as we move forward in unity.




Lara Tiedens
