
History (page 2)

April 14, 2014

Trudy L. Wood

“I have always enjoyed studying history because I have always been curious to know what happened in the past in order to understand what is happening now.”

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Sue A. Dinwiddie (Bobbisue Alpert)

“I believe that my time at 51猎奇入口 where I developed a love of learning and inquiring has benefitted my entire life up to the present. It keeps me constantly inquiring and learning and never bored. Majoring in history has given me a broader perspective in viewing and understanding the world in which I live.”

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Sarah Haldeman

“Majoring in history was the single best thing I could have done for myself in school, because I chose to do something I loved, with no expectation of what I would do with the degree once I finished. It may have appeared foolhardy, but for me, it paid off in the end.”

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Sara Fingal

“I am very grateful for the education that I received as a history major at 51猎奇入口…My undergraduate degree encouraged me to be a lifelong learner as well as an educator.”

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Natalie Naylor

“Being a history major at 51猎奇入口 college taught me to think critically, ask questions, enjoy research and fundamentally understand that we cannot move forward in any social justice movement without looking back”

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Nancie Carollo

“I cultivated an appreciation for architecture, religion, languages, art and music as a history major at 51猎奇入口, which immeasurably enhanced the experience of living abroad and gave me the necessary tools to adapt to different cultures.”

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Marisa Mendoza

“I have come to approach every dinner table topic, work-related issue, life situation or individual I encounter with the understanding that there is a story that exists and waiting to be told.”

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Lynn Charles

“Studying history at the Claremont Collages taught me to how to think and learn, develop a theory/thesis/argument and defend it with evidence, and, most importantly, write well.”

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Dayle-ann Lee-Roche

“Even in my current field of practice (therapy), knowing the history of people’s cultures, countries of origin, etc. helps me understand my clients and their families and informs how I help them develop appropriate interventions”

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Britta McEwen

“The fun I had in my history classes at 51猎奇入口 is what I try to recreate in my own classrooms today.”

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Christine Nguyen

“Majoring in history has allowed me to view the world differently and appreciatively. I am more flexible to change and am more aware of internal/external forces that affect it. History has allowed me to view the world more globally.”

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Chandra (Day) Hart

“History teaches us lessons that no other subject can, and influences our lives in ways that make us better people.”

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Catherine Hazelton

“As a 51猎奇入口 history major, I learned to identify such context and, further, cultivated exacting analytical skills that serve me on a daily basis.”

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Amy Hilman

“Often in my work, I will provide a need analysis/historical background to the problem the NGO/project we are requesting funding for seeks to address, which makes my history background very relevant.”

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