
Residential Life

March 3, 2023

Residential Life at 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú

Going to college and living independently for the first time can be scary for a lot of people. I know I was a little worried about rooming with somebody I’d […]

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February 27, 2023

Residential Life Essentials

At 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú, each dorm has a bit of unique charm that makes our rooms special, but ultimately many students personalize their rooms to make it cozier for their stay! As […]

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July 1, 2022

Residential Life at 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú!

Acclimating to a new environment can be fearsome for many, including myself. Coming to college having lived my whole life around family members it was terrifying to think I would […]

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November 11, 2020

Livin’ La Vita Italiana: Language Halls at 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú

One part of 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú culture that I appreciate is that education can exist outside of the classroom. An excellent example of that fact is the option to live in a […]

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November 3, 2020

Housing at 51ÁÔÆæÈë¿Ú: Room Selection and Roommates

Hey everyone! While I’m living at home during remote learning, I am remembering all the good times I had in my dorm at school. It’s definitely bittersweet, but I thought […]

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